Alternative to Zoom

If you are looking for an effective alternative to Zoom, we encourage you to reach out to our team to learn more about Zoho.

In recent years, many companies were starting to experiment with remote work, allowing their employees to work partially or primarily from home, communicating with their teammates through digital means. In the more immediate past, world events made remote work capabilities an essential aspect of many businesses, and most companies found themselves reaching for the nearest tool for the job–namely, Zoom.

Alternative to Zoom

Many people found Zoom dissatisfying, but were willing to put up with its shortcomings because they didn’t know of any alternatives. If you are one of those people, our team at UN Cloud IT is here to offer you an alternative to Zoom in the form of our partner platform, Zoho. It not only allows you to host digital meetings, but it also offers a whole host of other tools that will streamline your operation.

Our team has been partnered with Zoho since 2008, so we can vouch for its effectiveness as an alternative to Zoom. Zoho and its many apps allow you to communicate effectively with your team, sending emails, hosting video calls, sharing files, coordinating tasks lists, and more. On top of this, our team won’t leave you to try to figure out how to use all of its features on your own, but we can instead provide thorough training services that will help you master these tools and use them to their fullest potential.

We want to help you do what’s best for your business, and that means offering a superior alternative to Zoom. If you are interested in learning more about Zoho, we encourage you to give us a call.